Saturday 24 May 2014

Full Moon

Hey Guys! I'm just going to get straight into it.

The full moon rose into the sky 5 nights later and Tobias knew that Aubrey would be in danger. However, he had decided after much contemplation that he could not live without her. As the moon rose higher Tobias felt strange and knew that the power of the moon was too strong for him to handle and soon he would be out of control, little did he know, Aubrey was watching close by....

The power from the moon took over and Tobias lost control, after he transformed he wasn't himself, his emotions, his likes and dislikes all disappeared and the only thing he wanted to do was destroy. Aubrey didn't know what to do as Tobias turned the corner and lunged at her, she loved him and didn't want to hurt him. Even if she had the guts to bat him away she wouldn't have been able to, she was frozen stiff, terrified of the monster before her.

As Aubrey sat there she could feel the breath escaping from her lungs. She didn't know what to do, she had never seen this side to him before.

Not long after Aubrey lost consciousness Tobias regained control and realised what he had done.

Tobias carefully scooped up Aubrey and walked into the bedroom, he couldn't believe he had hurt her. He couldn't believe he could live with himself.

The only thing that kept Tobias from losing himself was the faint breath coming from her mouth as she lay in his arms, she was still alive. Tobias carefully lowered Aubrey onto the bed and sat on the floor, deep in his own emotion.

(It was 9 hours before Aubrey awoke)

Once Aubrey had woken she knew that what had happened wasn't Tobias's fault and could see he was shaken up and at breaking point, so she walked over to the floor where he sat and comforted him, the second she embraced him Aubrey could hear faint sobs and could feel Tobias shaking from beneath her. She couldn't let him go. He needed her.

Later that night Tobias lay awake, unable to sleep, his perfect life, his dream, was becoming a nightmare, all because of this dreaded family curse. He walked over to the window and looked outside. 'maybe I can break the curse' he thought. If the curse was broken all his troubles would go away.

Aubrey awoke early the next morning because she felt the absence of Tobias's warmth. She could tell by his face that he had stood at the window all night. She got out of bed and walked over to the window. Wrapping her arms around him she said "come back to bed, its okay, I don't blame you."

A moment later Tobias's posture changed and it looked like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. That was his biggest fear, that she blamed him. But Aubrey knew he would never hurt her, not on purpose.

There love lives on, till next time....

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