Tuesday 29 April 2014


We were given
Two hands to hold,
Two eyes to see,
Two ears to listen,
But why only one heart?

Because the other
One was given to someone for us
To find....

Monday 28 April 2014


Prom, its the time in high school where students frantically search their school for the perfect date and start being extra nice to win prom queen/king points. Its the time where high school couples can make magical memories and singles can be reminded of their failed attempt when it comes to love (nah jokes). The above collage of images is Laurel and Liam with their dates Tamani (Laurels date) and Kirsten (Liams date). Obviously these prom photos are from different proms because Laurel is older than Liam. However, I felt the need to put them together and show all the love :)

Ps: If you were wondering why Laurel has wings it is because Tamani asked her to be a fairy instead of a human (those two are kind of a reference to one of my favourite novels, Wings by Aprilynne Pike) I didn't choose the fan girl life, it chose me :P

Sunday 27 April 2014

Have a Berry Christmas

Sorry about the corny joke title, I just couldn't help myself! I know it is a bit late for this blog post but it turns out that the Sims Christmas came late! So here is the Berry household enjoying Christmas :)

Saturday 26 April 2014

First Day

Liam's first day of school, he feels more relaxed than other children because he has his big sister Laurel by his side. These photo's was taken around Christmas time for the Sims, that is why the background is all festive :)

Friday 25 April 2014

Annisia and Jace Berry

Annisia and Jace met while they were out horse riding. Annisia had just finished high school and Jace had begun his life long dream of being a professional horse rider like his mother. She was only a beginner horse rider and found his skill and talent fascinating. A year later, after the two had become good friends and been on several dates, Jace proposed to Annisia after a fun night at the watering hole tavern. The images above are from their wedding. And as every sim romance goes, Annisia fell pregnant and had a beautiful daughter called Laurel and soon after a handsome son which they named Liam!

Ps: For the rest of the posts I will do them in order! I just thought that Laurel and Liam were the cutest and wanted to show them before I showed their parents!! :) Also, this photo is my fave!!

Below is a fairly recent photo of the family playing in the snow!

Just to remind everyone, this blog has been made so I can share my sims! I may do a bit of a story later on. The above "story" is just a recap of how they met, it isn't meant to be elaborate and well written, just wait and see, I may write a story someday :)

Laurel and Liam Berry

Laurel and Liam are siblings from one of my favourite families at the moment. The moment Liam was born Laurel knew she wanted to take care of her younger brother, as any older sibling would :)

An Introduction to my blog

Hey everyone,

I haven't really done anything like this before, and I'm really excited! This blog is a way of me showing some of the photos of my Sims and their lives. Who knows, this blog may turn into something more as time progresses! :)